Psi Upsilon Omega Chapter

Alpha Kappa Alpha is always happy to add a new or reclaim a "Pearl" to our ever-growing strand of service. You are encouraged to visit the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® International website for complete details on becoming a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, or to reactivate or transfer your membership.
Membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, on the graduate level is by invitation only and may not be solicited. Please visit our national website for more information. Chapters host public events, such as forums, cultural presentations, and social activities, which you may wish to attend in order to become acquainted with Sorority members and their community service activities in your area. The Chapter Locator section of this site provides chapter names and contacts in your community.

To reactivate you will need to complete the appropriate reactivation form found on the international website and include your current name, address, chapter of initiation and date, last chapter with which you were active, all previous names used, and financial card number (if available).
The cost to be reinstated includes the reinstatement fee and, if applicable, the Corporate Office Improvement Project assessment (COIP). In addition, the Educational Advancement Foundation (EAF) dues and the cost of the current constitution and Bylaws and Manual of Standard Procedures are included in the reinstatement costs. If you’re reactivating with a chapter, you will also need to pay dues and assessments.
To transfer your membership, you will need to complete the Transfer Verification Form documenting that you have met all financial obligations to her former chapter and the Boulé. Before transferring membership from one chapter to another, you must obtain clearance from the former chapter. Before transferring your status as a General Member to chapter member, you must obtain clearance from the Corporate Office. No chapter can accept an inactive member into active membership before receiving a completed Transfer Verification Form.